Okay, I should say a little about these photos, taken about two months ago. First photos of minis with a camera.
The Mins are all Front Rank (the dead Frenchie is a Perry), and all painted over a black undercoat with Vallejos/Citadel. I am now mostly using foundry system, but still some Vallejos.
The flags are bits of old shirt, handpainted.
Colour parties of the 52nd and 27th, the rest are RA, Rifles and 1DG.
Basing not finished - I tend to do it all at once.
I now have four battalions of Infantry, 1 brigade of Heavy Cavalry, and some Guns, more pics soon.
Gentle Readers should note that some of my units will incorporate minis from the collection of John Hill from EK, (an excellent painter and thoroughly nice bloke) which I have acquired. He based his Brits in units of 10-11, which does not really work for GdB, so I will be adding my own to this core for the relevant regiments. I tend to re-do the flags for a uniform look. Where his work appears, I shall attribute it. None in these photies though.
Currently working on the 1st (or is that 2nd) Nassau, Perrys, lovely.
The Mins are all Front Rank (the dead Frenchie is a Perry), and all painted over a black undercoat with Vallejos/Citadel. I am now mostly using foundry system, but still some Vallejos.
The flags are bits of old shirt, handpainted.
Colour parties of the 52nd and 27th, the rest are RA, Rifles and 1DG.
Basing not finished - I tend to do it all at once.
I now have four battalions of Infantry, 1 brigade of Heavy Cavalry, and some Guns, more pics soon.
Gentle Readers should note that some of my units will incorporate minis from the collection of John Hill from EK, (an excellent painter and thoroughly nice bloke) which I have acquired. He based his Brits in units of 10-11, which does not really work for GdB, so I will be adding my own to this core for the relevant regiments. I tend to re-do the flags for a uniform look. Where his work appears, I shall attribute it. None in these photies though.
Currently working on the 1st (or is that 2nd) Nassau, Perrys, lovely.